Transfer of $4500 with Revolut

Original price was: $6,100.00.Current price is: $5,100.00.

How is it carried out?

After transferring funds to OUR primary accounts, we use CCs on Revolut accounts to move funds to OTHER Revolut accounts (YOURS). ( Transfer of $4500 with Revolut )

Are Transfers Using Revolut Safe ( Transfer of $4500 with Revolut )

The funds are cleaned before being sent to you since all of the money is moved to our account first.
This makes your account risk-free by preventing it from being burned. You can use the money you receive without risk. Every transfer is safe.

What must I do first?

A Revolut account that is active is all you need.
Give us a Revolut tag (Revolut name) or Revolut address (Revolut email) after choosing the transfer offer you wish to use.

How quickly does the transfer happen?

Within five to ten minutes, transfers are completed. Depending on the system’s pace, faster at times.

Do they charge anything?

We only charge two fees for our services once we determine how much can be transferred and processed to your Revolut account.

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Does the money you send have to wait before I may utilize it?

There are no restrictions on the transferred funds. As soon as the money is in your account, you receive it.

Can my bank card be used to receive the funds?

Yes, you can transfer the funds to your own bank card from Revolut. The money is yours to do with as you please.

Does a failed transfer result in a refund?

All of our transfers are 100% successful. No transfer failure has ever occurred to us. If it fails for complicated reasons, we will reimburse your money.

You can receive a transfer for each of your accounts once per 24 hours if you have multiple accounts. You can recommend friends who have Revolut accounts and receive a portion of their payouts.

For more information or if you have any more questions, send us a message on Live Chat or WhatsApp.

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